YOUR QUEST CONTINUES  You look at the small child in awe. "You are The DreamWeaver?!!?" You studder. "Yes. I have the gift of knowledge...And she pays little heed to age!" The childs laughs. His face turns serious. "I know why you have come... And I know that you have bested Carnage. The people will listen to you. You WILL unite them at the Peace Dome."  "I've heard of that.. But how on earth will I get all the World Emporers to attend!?!" You demand. The Child looks up. "I have the DreamWeaver Gift. No distance can stop me from sending Dreams. Go to the Nirvana Peace Dome. They will come." You nod your head in agreement. "Thank you. Goodbye Child." As you are leaving the room, the child again whispers "They will come".